by Dr. MaryJo Cravatta
The Navel Chakra
The fire of the navel chakra allows us to transform ourselves on all levels physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Manipura has the potential to instill drive, enthusiasm, and a sense of self mastery within us.
All too often there are physical or energetic blocks that constrict our ability to achieve a balanced sense of power.
What Constricts The Navel Chakra
There are numerous ways in which the full potential of the navel chakra may be affected. This may be caused by past and current experiences that have not been entirely processed.
Our capacity to process or transform emotions and experiences is directly linked to the health and well being of our navel chakra. Manipura will be impeded by our physical choices and habits.
Our soul lessons have a great impact on the well being of the navel chakra.
The Affects of Old Cellular Memory On The Navel Chara.
What is cellular memory? Unprocessed experiences, trauma, emotions, and unfulfilled desires are stored in the layers of the Etheric Bodies. The navel chakra is related to the fire element. The third layer of the etheric bodies is related to the fire element. Manomaya kosher or third layer is governed by fire.
When cellular memory is stuck, stagnant, or increasing it will aggravate the fire. This leads to negative Pitta Dosha emotions being held within us or being expressed outwardly. Just because someone may not convey their inner feelings does not mean that they do not exist. These smoldering emotions, traumas, or experiences manifest as a sense of imbalance, a feeling of not being stable.
This in turn will lead to creating scenarios of trying to bring balance into the environment, into our lives. This will be seen as being demanding, bossy, overly aggressive, and wanting to be in control. Imbalance or lack of control will trigger wanting to forcibly bring back the power.
The level that this will be expressed depends on the amount of cellular memory and whether or not they have been actively working on themselves. Many times it will be a low level that may not be blatantly recognized by either the person seeking control or of the person on the receiving end. The imbalance may be felt as an awkward situation or some feelings of uncomfortableness.
The Navel Chakra Affected by Our Habits and Dietary Choices
Ayurveda recognizes the importance of having a balanced lifestyle and to have balancing dietary choices. Food and drink that is fiery will aggravate the fire element and the navel chakra. This will be particularly true for those who. have Pitta in their body type. Summer is the fire season and will also have an affect on the fire within us. Our hormones are related to the fire element. If someone has an increased fire element this will disrupt the homeostasis of hormones within us. This is especially important to peri and post menopausal women.
I recommend that we cleanse our liver several times per year. This will assist in balancing the fire element and then the navel chakra.