Summertime is affected by Pitta Dosha. Pitta is composed of the elements fire with a little water. Since summer is the warmest season of the year, that means that our environment will contain heat. Here are some tips for staying cool this summer.
This environmental heat can increase the fire within us and aggravate Pitta Dosha. As the summer continues on, we could have more and more of this heat buildup inside of us.
How is the heat increased within us?
Be mindful of what may increase the heat within us is very important to maintain a sense of balance and well-being. The main way that the fire might be increased inside of us will be through our external environment, through the foods that we may eat, and through the emotions that we may experience.
Staying Balanced In Our External Environment
Our external environment can have a considerable influence upon us. Those of us who have more fire element in our body types of experience a larger influence. Also, those who have a heat imbalance such as peri and postmenopausal women. Also, anyone with inflammation in their bodies. This will include those with auto immune conditions, inflammatory joints, skin conditions, inflammation in the digest system.
It is important that we stay out of the sun, particularly in the middle part of the day between 10 AM and 2 PM .
This is what is known as pitta time day when there was more heat in the overall environment. we know that the sun is at its highest during each time. However, it is more than just the sun because we can also experience more heat during this time of day even on a cloudy day. It is overall effect from the fire element during this time of day.
It is important that we have lunch be the main meal of the day and that will help bring balance. Be careful not to be so busy during this time of day that you forget to eat.
10 AM to 2 PM is not a good time to do exercise. The increase in our metabolism during this time day can increase that fire element to a level that is not beneficial for our well-being.
How Food Affects Our Pitta Dosha
Best to avoid food and drink that would aggravate our pitta. This would include hot, spicy food, oily food, too much salt, and drinking any alcohol.
Be sure to have cool foods such as fresh fruit, lots of fresh vegetables, and having enough protein.
Staying Balanced With Our Emotions
Our emotions are related to the fire element. If the fire within us is aggravated, it can make it easier to be experiencing fiery emotions.
If you find yourself easily, becoming irritated or impatient, make a mental check to see if you might’ve been aggravating your fire in some manner.
Staying Cool With Herbs
Here are some of our Shaktiveda herbal products to assist in creating balance. These formulas are offered in both capsules and powder / tea form.
Soothing Pitta Magic
This delightful formula assists you in the moment to have a sense of ease with emotions, to decrease Pitta, to feel soothed and nurtured. Soothing Pitta Magic is wonderful to take on a daily basis, or when you are not feeling your best emotionally and want to shift your mood. Tri-Doshic.
Joyful Heart
Joyful Heart allow us to release heaviness of the heart and encourage a positive mood. This amazing herbal formula was created to assist in releasing grief, sadness, loneliness, and despair that comes from an unfulfilled heart. Through this releasing process, we are better able to begin the journey towards fulfillment.
Pitta Spicing Blend
Pitta Spicing Blend is a delicious spice blend to balance Pitta Dosha, reduce inflammation, reduce gas, and soothe the digestive system. You will be amazed at how delicious this mixture can be in your favorite dishes. It makes a delicious Kitchari or Red Lentil Dahl. But, go ahead, and sprinkle it on your vegetables – we think you will really enjoy it! This is suitable for all body types – particularly those with Pitta Dosha.
Soothe Within
Soothe Within is perfect to ease a Pitta or fiery digestion. May be used on a regular, daily basis as it is also Vata pacifying and assists in proper digestion. Those of Pitta body type will surely love it – but also great for anyone who is experiencing an uncomfortable Pitta (or fire) in their belly. Soothe Within is effective for peri and post menopausal women to assist with digestive health. Many women will have inflammation from the decrease in hormones. This will help with digestion, inflammation, and intestinal flora. Many women may not even be are of any issues but will improve as they take this formula.