Organic Ingredients: Boswellia, Myrrh, Ajwan, Guggulu, Amalaki, Haritaki, Bibhitaki, Turmeric, Neem, Meadow Sweet, Hing, Cumin, Ginger. Shakti Infused.
Suggested Dose: Take 2 – 3 capsules 1 – 3 times per day or as prescribed by your practitioner.
Suggested Use: This herbal formula will assist you by addressing pain, stiffness, reduce ama for osteo-arthritis and to support healthy joints. Osteo Arthritis is a combination of Vata and ama (toxins) that have settled in to your joints. It is best to also include a proper ayurvedic routine to receive the maximum benefit from this great formula. You may desire to watch our YouTube video on how to reduce Ama (toxins).