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Sacral Chakra & Ayurveda

The Sacral Chakra, or Swadhisthana, is the second of the body’s Energy Centers. It is located in the abdominal area between your Pubic Bone and your Navel. It is responsible for our fluidity in relation to others, our ability to relate in an intimate way, and our creative side.

This Chakra is composed of the Water Element. All of Nature is composed of a combination of the 5 Elements (Space, Air, Fire, Water, and Earth). Each of the first 5 Chakras are composed of one of the 5 Elements. The purpose of each Chakra is related to which Element it is composed of.

In my understanding of the Energy Centers, the Sacral Chakra is actually composed of a combination of the Root, Sacral, and Heart Centers. We all know that our interpersonal relationships can be highly complicated and complex. It is due in part of all of the Life Lessons that have the possibility of being learned as we interact with others. If we lived on a desert island by ourselves, we would have a far lesser opportunity to work on our lessons.

The Sacral chakras and the subdoshas

The Subdoshas that mostly affect the Sacral Chakra are Apana Vata and Sadhaka Pitta. Apana Vata is located in the lower abdominal area and it is a downward moving Vata. It is closely related to the Root Chakra. Sadhaka Pitta is located in the heart area and in the brain. It governs our emotional and physical heart. It is also the part of the brain that processes our experiences.

Physical concerns that are connected to the Sacral Chakra may be: menstrual problems (uterus, ovaries, cervix), prostate problems, sacroiliac joint, sexual problems, erectile dysfunction, menopause, male and female hormone problems, lower back issues, hip replacement, bladder, uterine fibroid tumors, endometriosis, ovarian cysts, vaginal concerns, urogenital concerns in general.

Emotional concerns that are connected to the Sacral Chakra may be: feeling stuck, doubting intuition, fear of abandonment, not easily satisfied, not relating to others, difficulty in opening up to others, social status, financial security, boundaries in relationships, this is the place where fantasy begins as we interact with our family and friends.

Since we are a mind / body connection, it is very important that we realize that our thoughts and emotions will have an impact upon our body. Physical problems that arise from Second Chakra issues are very common. The old, unprocessed emotions will make a “sticky” type of emotional ama (toxins) that can be difficult to remove. Once we are set in our patterns, they appear to be normal to us. Holding on to old past hurts, sadness, and disappointments with others will find their way into the Sacral Chakra. We need to first recognize that they are there, and then begin to take the steps to eliminate them.

Treating the sacral chakra

There are many wonderful ways to address the Sacral Chakra imbalances. A multi dimensional approach is usually best.

Yes, it is good to put attention on the physical manifestation of the imbalance with Ayurveda, Yoga Asanas, Massage, Western Medicine, Chiropractic, etc – but, the deeper underlying concerns must be taken into account in order to free yourself of the possibility that problems won’t come back in the future.

Mantra for the sacral chakra

The Mantra for the Sacral Chakra is Vam. Gently repeating this mantra while putting your attention on your abdominal area will assist in the healing process. Many find it helpful to fall asleep at night with their hands placed on their abdomen and silently repeating the Mantra Vam.

At Shaktiveda, we approach all concerns with first looking at what may be the subtle causes. In the pulse, there is a layer that will indicate what Chakra and Layer of the Etheric Body (Kosha) someone is working on. With this understanding, it makes it much easier to fully address the health concerns on all levels.

Experience the Joy that can be experienced by the Shaktiveda Ayurveda approach to health and well being.

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Awaken Your Spine 7 Day Intensive-Ayurveda Yoga

Awaken Your Spine 7 Day Retreat Blends the wisdom of Ayurveda, Yoga, and Chiropractic.

The Awaken Your Spine – Pelvic Pattern and Heart Centered Retreat. The information contained in this course is so beneficial, that it is offered as part of our Enhanced Knowledge Program.

Dr. Cravatta has developed an amazing style of yoga to facilitate the unwinding from cellular memory.   Traditional Yoga Asanas are taught in an expanded manner that utilizes Shaktiveda Yoga’s Divine Sevenfold Path to release and rejuvenate.  From her decades as a chiropractor, she blends this information with her understanding of Ayurveda and Yoga to truly address imbalances that affect us physically and emotionally.

All Chakras are addressed with this style of Ayurveda Yoga – and the emphasis of this course is the release of cellular memory that is held throughout the entire spine – affecting both our physical and etheric bodies. You will learn in depth knowledge of cellular memory that is held in the Pelvic area – particularly the Root and Sacral Chakras – and the Cervical / Thoracic spine – Heart and Throat Charkas — and, how all of this relates to our Navel Chakra (our Power Center). Discover what your pelvic pattern is and how it relates to the cellular memory that needs to be addressed and released.  This is intimately related to the cellular memory that is held in the Heart Chakra and may manifest in the thoracic spine, shoulders, and neck. As these old imbalances begin to unwind, one feels clearer, lighter, and has the ability to view life in a renewed perspective.

This transformational course is taught in an atmosphere which allows you to go deep within.

Dates:   April 2016.

Each day is structured similarly to our Awaken Within Retreat – beginning with group yoga, pranayama, and meditation.

Fee for Awaken Your Spine – Pelvic Pattern and Heart Centered:  $1,297  plus $224 for Ayurvedic vegetarian meals – if paid in full 3 weeks before the course begins you will receive a $30 credit towards Shaktiveda Retail products.

Ask us for suggestions of places to stay while attending the course. The course is held at Shaktiveda Ranch, Grass Valley, CA.

It is important to have a basic understanding of both Yoga and Ayurveda to be able to attend this course.

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Mantra Meditation / Subtle Awareness Technique Meditation SAT

Mantra Meditation

Shaktiveda Yoga has combined several different methods to address the subtle imbalances that someone may have.  These therapies include:  Hatha Yoga Asanas (Awaken Within Yoga, Awaken Your Spine Yoga, and Awaken Throughout Yoga), Pranayama / Breathing Techniques, and Meditation.  To learn more information on Awaken Within Yoga, please visit the website.

The Meditation of Shaktiveda Yoga is a combination of several styles – each one with specific purposes.  This may include mantra meditation, guided meditation, focused attention, chanting, contemplation, or self inquiry.   Each style of meditation has it purpose and benefits.

Mantra Meditation has two main styles in Shaktiveda Yoga – that of clearing the Chakras with the Chakra Mantras and with using a Mantra that was chosen for you from what has been felt in your pulse with Dr. Cravatta.   This style, where Dr. Cravatta chooses the mantra that resonates with what you are currently working on is called Subtle Awareness Technique (SAT).

Daniel Skiles of Portland, Oregon has this to say about learning Subtle Awareness Technique Meditation:

“If you want to learn how to meditate, I highly recommend learning from Dr. MaryJo Cravatta This woman is the best meditation teacher I have ever met. There are many wonderful mediation techniques and “non-techniques” out there, but this is the simplest, most effective way to slip into unbounded awareness. The mechanics of the technique are similar to Transcendental Meditation, if you are familiar with that, but these mantras Mary Jo are giving come directly from Mahavatar Babaji, of whom she is a direct disciple (the Babaji in Autobiography of A Yogi), and are chosen based upon which life lessons you are currently working on in this incarnation, to facilitate the release of cellular memory (karma) acquired from this incarnation as well as past incarnations. As these imprints dissolve, the mind can sink deeper and deeper into finer levels of thought until all activity of the mind dissolves into a state of unbounded awareness, or “samadhi.”


Contact us to be added to our monthly Ayurvedic Newsletter – interesting articles, healthy recipes, herbal information, and more!  We do not share our email lists. Dr. Mary Jo Cravatta Grass Valley, CA 95945
Ayurvedic Herbal Products – Ayurvedic Consultations – Ayurvedic Cleansing Programs – Shaktiveda Yoga (Workshops, Yoga Classes, Yoga DVDs)

Experience the Joy that can be experienced by the Shaktiveda Ayurveda approach to health and well being in our Berkeley, CA or Grass Valley offices. If you are not in Northern California, you may have your consultation by either phone or by Skype.

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Restorative Yoga – Root Chakra – Ayurveda

Legs Up the Wall, or Viparita Karani (Restorative Yoga for Root Chakra)

Legs Up the Wall, or Viparita Karani is the Restorative Yoga Pose used on the Awaken Within Yoga DVD for the Root Chakra.  This calming Yoga Asana is designed to relax the entire body and mind.  It allows the floor of your pelvic area and tailbone to relax and unwind.  There are several variations recommended on the DVD so that this posture is helpful for many people – those beginning yoga along with experienced yogis.

The Root Chakra is the first of the body’s Energy Centers.  It is related to the Earth Element.  The Sanskrit Mantra for the Root Chakra is Lam.  It is pronounced as if it were spelled “Lum”.

The Root Chakra is closely associated with Apana Vata – the downward moving Vata that is in the abdominal area. It is responsible for elimination of toxins, feces, menstrual blood, and urine.  It is also closely related to the subdosha Prana Vata – the upward Vata in the head, brain, – and also flowing throughout the entire body.  When it is disturbed it can bring an active, busy mind, depression, insomnia, decreased energy, decreased memory or focus, or an overall sense of dis-ease.

Awaken Within Yoga is part of the knowledge of Shaktiveda Yoga.  A Yoga style that encourages a conscious connection during practice – allowing you to heal on subtle levels and bring a greater clarity and energy into your daily life.

For more information, please visit

To purchase the Awaken Within Yoga DVD please visit our Product Page. Dr. Mary Jo Cravatta Grass Valley, CA 95945
Ayurvedic Herbal Products – Ayurvedic Consultation – Ayurvedic Cleansing Programs – Shaktiveda Yoga (Workshops, Yoga Classes, Yoga DVDs)

Contact us to be added to our monthly Ayurvedic Newsletter – interesting articles, healthy recipes, herbal information, and more!  We do not share our email lists.

Experience the Joy that can be experienced by the Shaktiveda Ayurveda approach to health and well being in our Berkeley, CA or Grass Valley offices. If you are not in Northern California, you may have your consultation by either phone or by Skype.






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Awaken Within Yoga

The Awaken Within Yoga DVD has been designed to effectively address imbalances that are keeping you from experiencing a sense of well being and wholeness. It is a DVD of Restorative Yoga and Chakra Yoga.  It is the first in a series of DVDs for Shaktiveda Yoga.  

In the many years of Dr. Cravatta’s practice, she has found that people are being held back by the “strings” of old patterns. Subconsciously, one is pulled back into ways of thinking and behaving that is not life supporting.

Perhaps you have recognized that you respond to situations with a variety of reactions – irritation, frustration, anger, stress, fear, anxiety, depression, loneliness, or a sense of being stuck. These are all caused by an underlying reservoir of Cellular Memory being held in the Chakras / Energy Centers or the 5 Layers / Koshas of your Etheric Body.

You may have the best of intentions to improve all aspects of your life with meditation, yoga, counseling, proper diet, and exercise but you are aware that these same old ways keep on popping up.

Ayurvedic Therapies are combined in the Awaken Within Restorative Yoga DVD to facilitate the release of this stored Cellular Memory. These include: Restorative Yoga Poses, Chakra Mantras, Healing Affirmations, Inspired Music, and gentle Awareness on specific Energy Centers.

You will be guided through each Yoga Posture. There are variations of each pose so that you may choose which one is best for your body or health concern. Each of the seven Chakras / Energy Centers has a specific Restorative Yoga Pose with the purpose of loosening what ever may be distorting your true inner light. The pose is held for approximately 10 minutes. You may choose to put attention on just one Chakra or complete the entire series of poses. If you are just emphasizing one Chakra, it is suggested that you have the experience of all Chakra Yoga Poses at least once per week.

The Awaken Within Yoga DVD is now available.   To watch the teaser for the DVD, click this link:

Awaken Within Yoga teaser

For more information please visit our Awaken Within Yoga website. You will be able to get a view into the making of the DVD – including seeing photos and reading the bios of the peaceful, sattvic yogis of the video along with our divine musician. We are frequently adding articles on Yoga and the Chakras, so please be sure to visit the website often. Dr. Mary Jo Cravatta Grass Valley, CA 95945
Ayurvedic Herbal Products – Ayurvedic Consultations – Ayurvedic Cleansing Programs

Experience the Joy that can be experienced by the Shaktiveda Ayurveda approach to health and well being in our Berkeley, CA or Grass Valley offices. If you are not in Northern California, you may have your consultation by either phone or by Skype.  Contact us to be added to our monthly Ayurvedic Newsletter – interesting articles, healthy recipes, herbal information, and more!

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Ayurveda Yoga / Shaktiveda Yoga

Dr. Mary Jo Cravatta, founder of Shaktiveda Ayurveda, believes that to become Abundantly Healthy that it is important that we incorporate a variety of healing practices into our daily routine. Living a Shaktiveda Ayurvedic Lifestyle includes a regular routine, Eating for our specific needs, following conscious eating habits, daily meditation, daily yoga, and seasonal cleansing.

The Shaktiveda Ayurveda style of Yoga is called Shaktiveda Yoga – this includes the knowledge of Ayurveda Yoga. The Shaktiveda staff has finished the first in a series of DVDs for Shaktiveda Yoga. The first video is called: Awaken Within Yoga.  To learn more about the Awaken Within Yoga DVD, please read this article

We have added 6 new Shaktiveda Yoga instructors.  They will be teaching the 1 1/2 hour Awaken Within Yoga class as well as the 3 hour special Awaken Within Yoga Workshop that includes fascinating information on the Chakras.  These classes will be taught in the SF Bay Area, Placerville, CA, Ojai, CA, Portland, OR, and Briggs, ID.  In the coming months you will see the schedule of classes in our calendar.   Do you live in another area?  You may contact us about setting up the 3 hour Awaken Within Yoga Workshop in your area. Dr. Mary Jo Cravatta Grass Valley, CA 95945
Ayurvedic Herbal Products – Ayurvedic Consultations – Ayurvedic Cleansing Programs – Shaktiveda Yoga (Workshops, Yoga Classes, Yoga DVDs)

Experience the Joy that can be experienced by the Shaktiveda Ayurveda approach to health and well being. You may have your consultation by either phone or by Skype.

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Root Chakra and Ayurveda

Balancing the Root Chakra

by Dr. Mary Jo Cravatta

The Root Chakra is the first of the body”s Energy Centers. It is located in the perineal area – you are sitting on your Root Chakra. It creates your foundation, your sense of wholeness and well being.

The Root Chakra is related to the Earth Element. There are 5 Elements: Space, Air, Fire, Water, and Earth. The Root Chakra, or the Earth Element, is the stabilizing factor that allows the other Elements / Chakras to unfold in a balanced manner. If the Root Chakra is out of balance, then it will affect your ability to effectively clear and work on the other Chakras.

If we look with an Ayurvedic perspective, one of the reasons for this is that the Root Chakra is closely associated with Prana Vata – the upward moving Vata that is mostly in the brain, head, nervous system, and governs the electrical system of the heart. But Prana Vata is also located throughout your entire body – affecting the proper movement of “information” in the nervous system, vascular system, endocrine system, the 5 senses, and every cell in the body.

If Prana Vata is disturbed, someone may begin to feel out of sorts, tired, lack of focus, and generally ungrounded.

If this continues on, it may lead to actual symptoms of one or more of the following: Anxiety, Depression, Addictions, Headache, Blood Pressure abnormalities, Insomnia, Sleep Apnea, Asthma, Chronic Fatigue, Arrhythmia, Immune System problems, teeth grinding – and so much more.

The Root Chakra is also closely associated with Apana Vata – the downward moving Vata that is in the abdominal area. It is responsible for elimination of toxins, feces, menstrual blood, and urine.

Many times, the Root Chakra may play a role in digestive complaints such as: constipation, gas, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, irritable bowel, or colon cancer. But it could also be low back pain, menstrual cramps, prostate problems, or cold feet.

Those of you who have had consultations with me know that there is a level in your pulse that indicates what Chakra you are working on for your Life Lesson. But even if you are not actually working on the Root Chakra as your “Main” Chakra , if you have a Prana Vata imbalance or an Apana Vata imbalance, slots online this will indicate that the Root Chakra needs attention.

The Root Chakra becomes disturbed by keeping an irregular daily routine, going to bed late, not effectivvely dealing with your stress, multi tasking and doing two things at once, flying in an airplane, changing time zones, taking stimulants (including caffeine and nicotine), watching television, physical / emotional traumas, and excessive talking. Many western medicine “mind” drugs will also adversely affect Prana Vata (eventhough you may take them DUE to a Prana Vata imbalance).

The Kundalini that resides in the Root Chakra carries the soul information from lifetime to lifetime. For those who are actively working on their spiritual progress, it makes it even all the more necessary to live life in a manner that will assist in grounding the Root Chakra.

How do we bring a sense of wholeness and well being to the Root Chakra?

  • First of all, it is very important to follow the Ayurvedic Daily Routine – please refer to the Shaktiveda”s Daily Routine articlefor more information.
  • Avoid foods that are Vata aggravating such as: cold, dry foods – crackers, popcorn, toast, chips, iced drinks, large salads, ice cream, and excessive pungent, bitter, & astringent tastes in general.
  • Be sure to have plenty of time in your day for relaxation – especially meditation, yoga, and pranayama. Taking soothing, quiet walks in nature.
  • The Shaktiveda Herbal Formula Calm Within is specifically designed to balance the Root Chakra and Prana Vata. For more information on this Herbal Formula Calm Within, visit Shaktiveda”s Ayurvedic Product Page
  • Have regular Pancha Karma. If you are not able to have Pancha Karma at each change of season, then be sure to have 1 week of Pancha Karma at least once per year.  This can be an at home Cleansing.  Shaktiveda Herbal has many products to assist in cleansing.  The most recent addition is our Detox Veda Line of Products.  Designed for Internal and External Cleansing.  For more information, please email or call. Dr. Mary Jo Cravatta Grass Valley, CA 95945 – 530-273-8716
Ayurvedic Herbal Products – Ayurvedic Consultations – Ayurvedic Cleansing Programs – Shaktiveda Yoga (Workshops, Yoga Classes, Yoga DVDs)

Experience the Joy that can be experienced by the Shaktiveda Ayurveda approach to health and well being in our Berkeley, CA or Grass Valley offices. If you are not in Northern California, you may have your consultation by either phone or by Skype.