Category: Herbs
Ayurvedic Nasya Oils
Ayurvedic Nasya Oils from Shaktiveda Herbal are handcrafted with the finest ingredients. Our full line of Ayurvedic products are made with care and attention to detail in our Shaktiveda Clinic.
Nasya Oils are designed to be used in the nostrils for a quick input into the blood stream and nervous system. Our Nasya Oils may also be used on Ayurvedic Vital Energy Points known as Marma Points. For example, you may apply a drop of Depth of Being Nasya Oil to Talahridaya Marma Point on the palm of your hand. Gently massage in a clockwise circle – will enhance awareness throughout, but especially in the hands – ideal for body workers, but also very good before meditation.
Putting Nasya Oil into your nostrils has many benefits. First of all, having oil in the nostrils is pacifying to Vata Dosha. This allows the epithelial tissue in the nostrils to remain moist and less susceptible to dryness, pollen, environmental allergens / pollutants, and nose bleeds due to dry air. Depending on the base oil and the specific herbs in the formula, there are effects for the head, nervous system, mental / emotional states, allergies, hormones, neck pain, headaches, post nasal drip, memory, insomnia, depression, tinnitis – to name a few – the list could go on and on.
To apply, we recommend that you tilt your head back to allow the oil to easily go into your nostrils. It is actually best to lie down and tip your head into extension. When you are in the correct position, take a deep breath in, completely exhale and hold the exhale. Use the dropper that comes in the nasya bottle and apply 2 drops of oil into each nostril. Then take a deep breath in. You may wish to pinch your nostrils with your thumb and index finger as you take this deep inhale to allow the oil to go further in.
Depending on your personal needs, it is recommended that you apply the Nasya Oil 2 times per day. If you have a Vata imbalance in your upper body, you may desire to apply it more often (i.e. Prana Vata or Udana Vata). You may apply almost anytime you would like except it is best to not apply immediately before or after a shower, or immediately before lying down to sleep at bedtime – best to apply at least 1/2 hour before lying down in bed.
In addition to applying with the dropper, you may also choose to put 1 drop on your index finger to apply a thin coating of the oil in your nostrils. This is especially good to do when in a dry environment such as air conditioning or in an airplane. You may apply in this way as many times as you would desire.
If the dropper has touched your nostrils as you apply the oil, we recommend that you wipe the tip of the dropper with a tissue before you replace it back into the bottle. This will facilitate your oil staying fresher.
To purchase Shaktiveda Ayurvedic Nasya Oils please visit our Ayurvedic Product Page. Not all Nasya Oils are listed on the product page – please email or phone to purchase our full line of Nasya Oils. Below, please find a list of current Shaktiveda Herbal Nasya Oils:
Depth of Being
Serenity Within
Balance Within
Neuro Pattern Release
Clarity Within (Divine Intervention)
Shanti Luna
Luna Rejuv
Solar Rejuv
Allergy Relief
Breathe Clear
You may be interested in hearing what one of our patients has experience with our Breathe Clear Nasya Oil:
I love the Breathe Clear Nasya Oil! I have always been slightly congested and often used nasal strips to breathe at night. Now I just put a few drops of the oil in my nose morning and night and my breathing is so easy. Thank you! – RS, Northern California
For more information, please call us at: 530-273-8716
Or, you may contact us through email.
Contact us to be added to our monthly Ayurvedic Newsletter – interesting articles, healthy recipes, herbal information, and more! We do not share our email lists. Dr. Mary Jo Cravatta Grass Valley, CA 95945
Ayurvedic Herbal Products – Ayurvedic Consultations – Ayurvedic Cleansing Programs – Shaktiveda Yoga (Workshops, Yoga Classes, Yoga DVDs)
Experience the Joy that can be experienced by the Shaktiveda Ayurveda approach to health and well being in our Berkeley, CA or Grass Valley offices. If you are not in Northern California, you may have your consultation by either phone or by Skype.
Lightness of Being Herbal Formula
This Tri-Doshic herbal formula contains herbs that are Shakti Infused with Mantra. It is ideal to take before Yoga or Meditation as it enhances Awareness. You will also find that it increases Energy, Focus, Clarity, & Peace of Mind. It performs the unique action of cleansing the Nadis, the Channels of Subtle Energy.
This Ayurvedic Herbal Churna is delicious as a hot tea. To take, use 1/2 tsp in a mug of hot water – ideally in the morning or in the afternoon. If taking before practicing Yoga Asanas, you may want to use less water – as a tummy full of water may be uncomfortable before certain types of yoga (or drink about 1/2 hour before beginning your practice). This Herbal Formula is also ideal to take before seeing the Awaken Within Yoga DVD of restorative Yoga Postures for the Chakras. Dr. Mary Jo Cravatta Grass Valley, CA 95945
Ayurvedic Herbal Products – Ayurvedic Consultations – Ayurvedic Cleansing Programs – Shaktiveda Yoga (Workshops, Yoga Classes, Yoga DVDs)
Experience the Joy that can be experienced by the Shaktiveda Ayurveda approach to health and well being in our Berkeley, CA or Grass Valley offices. If you are not in Northern California, you may have your consultation by either phone or by Skype.
Calming Herbs (Calm Within)

Calming Herbs
Calm Within Ayurvedic Herbal Formula
The Shaktiveda Herbal Product Calm Within is designed to release stress from the nervous system, quiet a busy mind, and relieve bodily tension – this Shakti Infused formula is perfect to unwind and relax. You will notice within a few days that you are better able to respond to your busy day with a sense of stability and calmness. This formula is a combination of a variety of Ayurvedic herbs that synergistically work together to have a profound effect on your mind and nervous system. This in turn will allow you to feel calmer during the day and have a deeper nights sleep. You may take 1/2 tsp in warm water 1 or 2 times per day. Most prefer to also take it at bedtime for a deeper sleep. You may add it to just a small amount of water or fill a large cup. It is very delicious to drink as a hot tea. You may also wish to try it with adding a sweetener and some milk (cow, soy, rice, almond) and to have this as a Chai type of beverage. You may purchase the Herbal Formula Calm Within at Shaktiveda’s Shopping Cart.
One of our patients wanted you to know her thoughts about Calm Within:
“I use this formula when I’m feeling distracted, scattered, overstimulated, overworked or anxious. If I have had too much stimulation or interaction it will actually help energize and rejuvenate me. Other times it helps me unwind, relax and feel calm. It also aids in releasing muscular tension, pain, and stress held in the body. It either helps my thoughts slow down so I can focus or helps me to stop thinking depending on the time of day, when I take it and what I need. I have never used a tea or herbal formula that makes me feel this way. I don’t travel or go out of town without it and have had only positive reactions to anyone I have given or recommended it to.”
MD, Oakland, CA
Ingredients: Nardostachys jatamansi, Lavandula spp, Valeriana wallichii, Withania somnifera, , Elettaria cardamomum, Asphaltum, Zingiber officinal, , Glycyrrhiza glabra, , Rock Salt, Cuminum cyminum, Curcuma longa, , Berberis vulgar, piper longum, Apium graveolens
Contact us to be added to our monthly Ayurvedic Newsletter – interesting articles, healthy recipes, herbal information, and more! We do not share our email lists. Dr. Mary Jo Cravatta Grass Valley, CA 95945
Ayurvedic Herbal Products – Ayurvedic Consultations – Ayurvedic Cleansing Programs – Shaktiveda Yoga (Workshops, Yoga Classes, Yoga DVDs)
Experience the Joy that can be experienced by the Shaktiveda Ayurveda approach to health and well being in our Berkeley, CA or Grass Valley offices. If you are not in Northern California, you may have your consultation by either phone or by Skype.
Ayurvedic Herbal Formulas / Powdered Churnas
Ayurvedic Herbal Formulas / Churnas are mixtures of powdered herbs. The word Churna means powdered mixture. It is best to take Ayurvedic herbs in this way as it allows your body to taste the herbs. When you put them in capsules or in pill form, the body does not have the same awareness of what is entering the stomach. It will make it much more difficult to properly digest the herbs. This is one of the main reasons that Shaktiveda Herbal formulas are in the powdered / churna state.
Shaktiveda Herbal Churnas / Ayurvedic Formulas
Calm Within – for a calm and quiet body & mind
Lightness of Being – to enhance awareness before meditation and yoga
Healing Within – to facilitate the gentle release of cellular memory in the Layers of the Etheric Body & Koshas
Cleanse Within – a gentle, effective bowel cleanser that also encourages ama / toxins to leave the body – great for weight loss
Soothing Pitta Magic – allows one to have an ease with their emotions – to feel soothed and nurtured
Clarity Within – assists in releasing the feeling of separation from the Divine – affects Pragyaparad
Ease Within – digestive aid to allow better function, release gas and bloating
Adios Ama – facilitates a complete digestion and release of excess fat, ama, and toxins – ideal for weight loss – part of the Detox Veda Line
Luna Rejuv – assists in balanced emotions for the peri and post menopausal woman
Body Trauma Release – assists in relieving cellular memory stored in the body from trauma – emotional and physical
Agni Enhancer – assists in having a properly functioning digestive fire / agni – for better digestion
For more information and to purchase our products, please visit our Product Page.
Not all of our Ayurvedic Herbal Products are listed on the website product page. We have recently added approximately 50 new products.
For more information, please call us at: 530-273-8716 or you may contact us through email. Dr. Mary Jo Cravatta Grass Valley, CA 95945
Ayurvedic Herbal Products – Ayurvedic Consultations – Ayurvedic Cleansing Programs – Shaktiveda Yoga (Workshops, Yoga Classes, Yoga DVDs)
Experience the Joy that can be experienced by the Shaktiveda Ayurveda approach to health and well being. You may have your consultation by either phone or by Skype.
Shaktiveda Ayurveda Herbal Products
The mission of Shaktiveda Herbal is to assist others in having a greater sense of well being. Our Ayurvedic Herbal Products are designed to bring balance to the individual”s health physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Many of our formulas are TriDoshic balancing formulas that can be used by all Ayurvedic Body Types. We have a full line of products including Powdered Churna Formulas, Nasya Oils, Massage Oils, Body Scrubs, Cellulite Release / Detoxification Products, Hormonally Balancing, and products designed to be used for Pancha Karma cleansing programs. We have a Women”s Line (Shakti Moon), a Line for Men (Shiva Sun), A Mother / Baby Line (Shakti Baby), Detoxification Line (Detox Veda), our Calming Line, Emotional Well Being Line, Spiritual Enhancement Line, and our Line of Spa Products (Shakti Spa).
All of our herbs are Shakti Infused to enhance their properties. What is Shakti Infused? The word Shakti means Sacred Energy . It embodies the active, creative force of Nature. Shaktiveda Products are “potentized” through exposure to mantra and special meditation. This enhances the inner effects of each formula. The Sanskrit Mahamrityunjaya Mantra inscribed on the label deepens and world of warcraft gold kaufen maintains the Shakti of the product.
All ingredients have passed rigorous Quality Control Testing – including those for heavy metals. We are committed to offering the highest quality of products and service to our customers – giving them care and support as if they were members of our own family.
To purchase Shaktiveda Herbal Ayurvedic Products visit our Product Page
Not all of our Ayurvedic Herbal Products are listed on the website product page. We have recently added approximately 50 new products.
For more information, please call us at: 530-273-8716 or you may contact us through email. Dr. Mary Jo Cravatta Grass Valley, CA 95945
Ayurvedic Herbal Products – Ayurvedic Consultations – Ayurvedic Cleansing Programs – Shaktiveda Yoga (Workshops, Yoga Classes, Yoga DVDs)
Experience the Joy that can be experienced by the Shaktiveda Ayurveda approach to health and well being. You may have your consultation by either phone or by Skype.