Fungal Release


Subtle Shakti Fungal Release addresses the energetic underlying imbalances that allow Fungus, Candida, or other Yeast infections to invade the body.  In order to grow, Yeast needs a warm, moist environment.  This is usually created when there is a Pitta imbalance either physically or emotionally along with an environment of ama / toxins.


Fungal Release

Subtle Shakti Fungal Release addresses the energetic underlying imbalances that allow Fungus, Candida, or other Yeast infections to invade the body.  In order to grow, Yeast needs a warm, moist environment.  This is usually created when there is a Pitta imbalance either physically or emotionally along with an environment of ama / toxins.  To assist the Subtle Shakti, it is suggested to also include two other Shaktiveda Herbal formulas in your healing regime:  Healing Within and Adios Ama.   It would also be beneficial to take 1 tsp of Ranjaka Shodhana Oil each night at bedtime.

To Use:  Apply 3 drops under the tongue 2 to 3 times per day.  For severe Yeast infections, apply 5 to 6 times per day for the first week.

Subtle Shakti Line

Our Subtle Shakti Line of products is designed to address the energetic underlying imbalances that have manifested into a health concern – physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually.  The medium is an oil that is Shakti infused and imbued with Dr. Cravatta’s healing vibrational essence.  Applying 3 drops under the tongue several times per day will assist in creating an environment beneficial for health and well being.  Each Subtle Shakti has its particular area of focus.